Society’s Expectations vs Reality

My friend and muse Claudia asked me to do this shoot as she wanted to comment on unreasonable beauty standards, society often sets, on her page.
Part of the brief in post processing was to morph her body into similar proportions as to those of our mannequin and then edit out ‘the bits’ that will destroy humanity, in essence she looked similar to Barbie Doll.

I think is obvious that fans often do not read posts to understand the image, as one of her fans commenter that he was impressed with her perfect body! I have never edited a person to these unrealistic proportions before!

The reason that I have posted this image is that often prospective clients tell me that they would like to do a shoot but are waiting to get their body in shape. Well let me tell you, your body is already a shape, let us celebrate who you are and get some gorgeous and sensual images of you. Do not let the unrealistic goals that society often burdens us with affect your decision!

We had several requests to see the before and after image so we have posted it here.

Boudoir PhotographyBoudoir Photography

The response we had on Social Media, particularly from our female followers was so reassuring.