Sensual Photography Genres

As a photographer, I often receive inquiries for boudoir, glamour, implied nude, nude, erotic, and even pornographic photoshoots. While they may seem similar, these genres of photography are quite distinct and require different approaches to execute effectively. Each genre offers its own unique blend of artistry, emotion, and technical skill, [...]

Sensual Photography Genres2024-07-17T17:17:04+02:00

Defining Sensual Photography

Boudoir Fusion Photography's Sensual Photography Definitions Definitions of Sensual Photography When Michelangelo and Botticelli painted beautiful images of woman and men naked, they were not frowned upon by society, but rather celebrated for the beauty they created. I find it sad that in this day and [...]

Defining Sensual Photography2024-07-17T17:40:55+02:00
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